

the Jellomaniac's Manual


Rev. 08-May-1997

Introduction | A-E | F-P | Q-Z | Non-alc. | Other Recipes | Pudding | Tips | FAQ | History | Flavors | Want Ads | Links | Gallery | Index | liquor | misc. ingredients

Index by Ingredients: Miscellaneous

Thanks a Million...

The following net.friends helped contribute to The Jellophile (in no particular order):

The End

That's everything I know about Jell-O. If you're interested in related topics, please see...

Introduction | A-E | F-P | Q-Z | Non-alc. | Other Recipes | Pudding | Tips | FAQ | History | Flavors | Want Ads | Links | Gallery | Index | liquor |

The Jellophile / C.M.J. (Chaz) Boston Baden / hazelweb at boston-baden.com

Chaz ("Hazel") Boston Baden [Hazel]