C.S.F. Baden,
P.O. Box 17522, Anaheim CA 92817-7522,
I am working up a not-for-profit embroidered patch, which will be for the mythical "Unfinished Projects Organization." There will be a needle and thread, representing all those crafters (needlework, sewing, etc.) who have unfinished projects; a stack of papers, for those who write, or who haven't finished filing everything they should; a hammer and a screwdriver, for both large-scale construction projects and for fine-tuning electronic devices. Also, a shovel and a mop, and an infinity symbol looping through the background.
I'm thinking the patch will be several colors, in an oval shape, and of a size suitable for sewing to a cap, on a shirt above the pocket, or on your sleeve. (If it doesn't cost too much extra, I'll get them with an iron-on backing.) Of course, you can always postpone putting it onto something... which would also fit the theme.
A friend is working on a design, and I'm scouting out prices. (As soon as I get her artwork file, I'll put up a copy on this page so you can see it.) If you think you'd be interested, send me email (and let me know if you'd probably order more than one). If I can get a handle on the approximate demand for this item, I'll know what size order to base my pricing on.
I don't plan to make a profit on this exercise. I'm going to divide up the cost of making (N) patches by the number of patches ordered, add in the postage (I can't see a patch taking more than one stamp, so that'll be low) and announcing that price. As of this update, I'm getting price lists from several emblem-making firms, so stay tuned for further developments.
At this writing, I intend to get quotes based on 100-200 patches.