Chaz Boston Baden,
Rev. 06-Apr-1997
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First, a little background. I've been on the Internet since February
1994. In July 1994, I was asked to run the Fan Publicity Dept. for
L.A.con III (the 1996 Worldcon), and charged with promoting the
convention to the fannish world. (Theoretically somebody else would take
up the job of "professional" publicity, i.e. glossy ads and liaisons to
the mainstream press and so forth. I considered the boundary line to be
at the newsstand - if a publication would be on sale there, it's probably
professional or at least a semiprozine.) I was instructed to identify
and use all appropriate channels of publicity, including electronic, and
told to recruit help for the project.
The scope of this series of articles will be limited to the on-line
publicity. (One installment will mention our links to the BBS world.)
Assistants Needed
- Tame sysadmin and server space donors
- Help Desk representative
- Local Research aide
- E-mail Database manager
- Offline Departments liaison
I ran the on-line presence myself, as far as 'content' is concerned. I
had help from several parties - Blars ( most
notably, who gave us server space and a lot of his time and energy as a
sysadmin - and also some friends
(Lynn Boston and Pat Lawrence) who donated use of their accounts for a
period of time.
The demands on my own internet service account
mushroomed, mostly with the megabytes used to store e-mail messages and a
complete copy of the web page source files.
I should have farmed out certain areas to other people - I should not
have done the whole thing myself. If I were to do this again, I would
have to actively hunt down and recruit people who were willing to take on
the long-term commitment to, for example, answer questions that came into
the 'Help Desk' (more of which later), or research peripheral subject
areas (much the same way that one or more persons are designated to
research a restaurant guide), and so forth.
Another project that would have benefited from another set of hands was
the E-mail Forwarding system. There were basically two areas there - a
database to be maintained, as concom members were added and their e-mail
address changed over time - and the forwarding via hardcopy of e-mail to
off-line departments. Thankfully there were only about 3 departments
that didn't have e-mail and received a noticeable amount of mail, and
those were Regency Dancing, Writers Workshops, and Green Room.
(Actually, the few messages that came in to the Green Room address were
really personal messages for Fuzzy. But that's another story.)
So, anyhow, the thing I would do differently would be to try harder to
recruit a larger team of on-line helpers, with clearly designated jobs to do.
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