[HOME] Baby Smofs

Picture Gallery Recovery Fund What's this?Rev. 09-Dec-1999

Previous: My So-Called Social Life
Next: Science Fiction is Just a Hobby

So, who am I? I'm someone who's interested in Daily Newsletters at science fiction conventions, and other aspects of running conventions. There usually isn't one right way to do things, but I get so tired of seeing fans reinvent the wheel - and a square wheel, at that.

To this end, I've been trying to put together a bibliography of con-running material. It's slow going - one of the highly-recommended resources (If I Ran The /Z/o/o/ Con) isn't a document (in the usual sense of the word) at all. There's some promising results; representatives of three conventions (Orycon, Linda Pilcher; Baycon, Michael Wallis; Wholucination, Dana Windsor) have put together their views of running conventions, and the results make for interesting reading.

So when I come across something I think might useful, I toss it in my Smofs-and-Fans directory. You'll find links to the above-mentioned documents, and my own collected comments on Daily Zines, and there should be a pointer to the Worldcon Runner's Guide project.

David Dyer-Bennet has generously offered the use of his server for the Smofs directory and my home page. Thanks, DDB!

I'm going to bid for Loscon 28 in 2001.

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Next: Science Fiction is Just a Hobby