Almond Flour Pie Crust

Rev. 14-Dec-2016

Avoiding wheat or gluten in your diet does not mean having to give up a good pie crust. Almond flour makes an excellent, savory crust with a rich flavor and high nutritional value. Use either of the recipes below for any of your open or single crust pies like pumpkin, lemon or even cheesecake.

Three-Ingredient Crust

This easy-to-make crust contains just three ingredients and browns up beautifully. You might even like it better than traditional pie crust!



  1. Melt the butter.

  2. Combine the sugar and almond flour in a bowl.

  3. Pour the butter into the almond mixture and stir until well combined.

  4. Scrape down the sides of the bowl frequently until all the almond flour is incorporated with the butter and the dough forms a moist ball in your hands.

  5. Place the ball of almond flour dough on the bottom of a nine-inch pie pan.

  6. Use your fingers to press the dough evenly out the sides.

  7. Pinch the edges for a decorative look.

  8. Bake alone for eight to 10 minutes, or fill with your favorite pie filling and bake following that recipes instructions.

[Beth Asaff,]

[Dec. 2016: I want to make a few small tart shells so when I bake a batch of tarts, I can make a gluten-free sample.]